Friday, February 13, 2009

TGIF Remix List #1

I always thought as Friday being an extra day for the weekend, sure there was school to go to, and work.. but people just aren't the same on Friday, better moods.. more attentive, cool attitudes etc. So let me just start a little 'unoffical but still offical weekend remix list'.

That being said, lets get this party started right...

Justice - Tttheee Ppparrttyy (Chewy Choclate Cookies Remix)


Zeale vs. Justice - D.A.N.Z.E.


Outkast - Ms. Jackson (Audible Doctor Remix)

* Quality is low, However it's still good..*


The Cool Kids - 88 (Chewy Chocolate Cookies Remix)


DJ Kue - Don't Get High (Off your own supply)


And that does it for now, have a chill weekend everyone



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